Monday, April 30, 2012

Economics project...

I am quite amazed at times about how things are thought to our kids at US schools. We (myself and my husband) come from an education system that encouraged memorization and repetition, where discussion and investigation was not frequently encouraged, especially in earlier school years.

Sude's second grade economics project was an interesting experience for us all... The goal was for her to make 12 of something (anything handmade, baked, etc) to sell at a market to better understand concepts of cost, profit, marketing, slogan, pricing, etc.

She has decided to make chocolate dipped pretzels. And kudos to her, she did a wonderful job. The only thing I did was to warm the chocolate up in the microwave...

And yes, she is wearing a pair of skull earrings... "Rock on"

Then she came up with the slogan and made a sign... I only gave her the materials and helped her to draw lines so that she could write straight. She later came up with a price with her teacher...
I was surprised to see how nervous the night before about whether anyone would want to buy her pretzels... I have encouraged her to be confident in her "product: and her hard work...

Sure enough... She sold 10 of her pretzels and gave the two to her friends who could not make it to the market. What a great way to learn... I sometimes wish I am a kid again...

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